by Bill Fitzgerald | Jul 29, 2022 | High CBD Hemp Farming
As we enter the latter part of the field hemp growing season, it always gives me satisfaction to see the mature plants standing strong and building themselves out to support the flowering stage. It’s at this time of year that we are especially vigilant for diseases...
by Bill Fitzgerald | Jun 24, 2022 | High CBD Hemp Farming
Maximizing your crop’s productivity puts more change in your pocket and proper irrigation is a critical factor in getting the best yield from your acres. Calculating water needs Irrigation is not a “set it and forget it” proposition. Your crop’s need for water is...
by Bill Fitzgerald | May 31, 2022 | High CBD Hemp Farming
Taking Care of your Cannabis Seeds One of the many benefits of growing your hemp from seed is that – unlike clones – seeds can be stored long term. With a bit of care and attention, hemp seeds can be successfully held over for future planting. The main threats to...
by Bill Fitzgerald | Apr 27, 2022 | High CBD Hemp Farming
Fertile Grounds There are so many options available for fertilizing your new hemp crop. Here are some thoughts that can help you make the best decisions when you choose. Introduction: What do my hemp plants need? Making sure that your hemp plants have the right...
by Bill Fitzgerald | Apr 4, 2022 | High CBD Hemp Farming
Spring is in the air, hemp growers! Even those in the northern latitudes have started seeing the seasonal transition reveal itself. Small shoots pushing up from the ground, buds appearing on trees and shrubs – all indications that the earth is waking up and preparing...
by Bill Fitzgerald | Mar 25, 2022 | High CBD Hemp Farming
Greetings, fellow growers! If you followed the advice from my January blog, Prepare Now for a Successful Planting Season you’ve spent a little time these past few weeks getting your operational house in order: equipment maintenance up to date, tools sharpened, storage...
by Bill Fitzgerald | Feb 24, 2022 | High CBD Hemp Farming
The Hemp Evolution Continues The hemp industry is still young and evolving! Naturally, there are still challenges with issues such as theunsteady supply chain and the immaturity of after-market processing. But there’s so much morebalancing out the positive side of the...
by Bill Fitzgerald | Feb 15, 2022 | High CBD Hemp Farming
No question about it – the pandemic has fueled a lot of stress and anxiety throughout our culture. Parents worrying about their kids and school. Retailers and hospitality workers stressing about lost sales. Vulnerable populations trying to stay out of the hospital....
by Bill Fitzgerald | Jan 11, 2022 | High CBD Hemp Farming
During the winter months as the land rests, there are things we can do to get a jump on the next growing season. Imagine being able to get right to work when the weather warms – all equipment clean, sharp, lubed, and charged…all supplies stocked and organized, ready...
by Bill Fitzgerald | Dec 7, 2021 | High CBD Hemp Farming
My November blog – Successful Indoor Hemp Growing – touched briefly on plant nutrition. It’s a big topic that deserves a bit more focus, so this month, let’s go in-depth on how to get the right nutrients to your hemp plants as they grow to maturity. The first thing we...
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