Buying Hemp Seed FAQ’s

Growing hemp from seed is a process we have decades of experience with. We operate a highly disciplined, meticulous grow environment to ensure that our products meet the highest possible standards. As you consider purchasing hemp seed and investigate potential resources, you are likely to have several questions you would like answered to ensure that you are purchasing a quality product that will maximize your investment. Below are a few frequently asked questions we receive, answered by our hemp experts at Cheyenne Mountain Seed Company.

How many years’ experience do you have in hemp or cannabis production?

Our experts have decades of experience in the production of medical cannabis, an agricultural equivalent to hemp and we have been operating our seed business since the Farm Bill passed in 2018.

Where is your hemp grown and processed?

We are a 100 percent Colorado operation – a state considered by many to be the gold standard for cannabis and hemp production.

How do you stand by your product?

Using our germination tests we provide extra free seed with all our orders.  if the germination test is 90% we add an extra 10%
to the order.

How pure are the strains that you offer?

We are meticulous about the genetics of our plants and that means you can count on our seeds for vigor and reliability. All the seed we sell come from our living F1 mothers of each strain.  That means that all of our seeds are S1, they all come from the same F1 plant. This ensures a consistent and stable phenotype will grow from each seed.

How do you ensure there is no cross-pollination between your strains?

All of our strains are grown in completely separate environmentally controlled facilities. This is the only way to ensure consistency and purity of each strain.

Are your seeds independently tested by a third-party laboratory?  

Yes. Our products are tested by an outside lab, certified by the State of Colorado.

Do you provide an independently verified certificate of analysis?

Our Certificate’s of Analysis are available on request, please talk to Reed Mason, Sales Manager at (719) 217-0207 or r.mason@cheyennemountainseedcompany.com


Have a question that wasn’t answered above? Give us a call today and our hemp seed experts would be happy to answer any additional questions you may have!

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